Title II

by Administrator 23. July 2009 04:51

' Module:   WebServiceInvocation.vb
' Purpose:  This module contains code to assist in calling web services
'           that use Windows authentication, the NCES SDK, etc.
' Notes:
' Modification History:
' 07/14/2005, Jonathan Cochran
'    1) Original coding.
' 04/27/2006, Jonathan Cochran
'    1) Renamed the main procedure to ConfigureProxy.
'    2) Made all parameters to ConfigureProxy mandatory.  If they are all
'       always passed in, it will be easier to switch from one implementation
'       to another.
' 07/10/2006, Jonathan Cochran
'    1) Added a configuration option to specify the security protocol a
'       web service is called over (TLS, SSL, or none).
' Copyright 2005-2006
' Alion Science and Technology
' US Govt retains rights in accordance
' with DoD FAR Supp 252.227-7013.

Imports mil.disa.nces.toolkit.domain.security.saml.token
Imports mil.disa.nces.toolkit.utils.securityengine
Imports Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.Tokens
Imports System.Web.SessionState
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates

Module WebServiceInvocation

    ' Procedure:  ConfigureProxy
    ' Purpose:    This procedure will configure a web service proxy so the web
    '             service can be accessed when it is protected.
    ' Parameters: vstrServiceQName      - The QName of the web service to call.
    '                                     This is used to uniquely identify a
    '                                     web service.
    '             robjWebServiceProxy   - The web service proxy to configure.
    '             vobjClientCertificate - The client certificate object.
    '             robjSession           - The user's session object.
    ' Returns:    Nothing
    ' Notes:
    '    1) This procedure should be called immediately before a web service
    '       is called.  This is because:
    '       a) The NCES SDK global object (ToolkitSecurityContext) has a single
    '          configuration for all web services, rather than individual
    '          configurations for each web service.  Since different web
    '          services may have different needs, this procedure will need to
    '          be called before each web service call to make sure the
    '          ToolkitSecurityContext object is configured properly for the
    '          service being called.
    '       b) NCES Discovery may need to be called to find the current
    '          location of the web service.
    '       c) Currently the NCES SDK global object (ToolkitSecurityContext) is
    '          shared among all users to the web application.  Therefore, the
    '          end-user assertion needs to be set in the global object as close
    '          as possible to the web service call to try to avoid using
    '          another user's end-user assertion.
    '    2) A web service QName is:
    '       web service namespace + "#" + web service name
    Sub ConfigureProxy( _
            ByVal vstrServiceQName As String, _
            ByRef robjWebServiceProxy As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol, _
            ByVal vobjClientCertificate As System.Web.HttpClientCertificate, _
            ByRef robjSession As HttpSessionState)

        ' Read settings for this service from Web.Config.

        ' Determine the security protocol for this service.
        ' Setting Name: "WebService.SecurityProtocol@ServiceQName"
        ' Supported Values: "SSL3", "TLS", "None"
        ' Default Value: "None"
        Dim strSecurityProtocol As String
        strSecurityProtocol = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("WebService.SecurityProtocol@" + vstrServiceQName)

        ' Determine the authentication method for this service.
        ' Setting Name: "WebService.Authentication.Method@ServiceQName"
        ' Supported Values: "Windows", "None"
        ' Default Value: "None"
        Dim strAuthentication_Method As String
        strAuthentication_Method = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("WebService.Authentication.Method@" + vstrServiceQName)

        ' Determine if this service is protected by the NCES SDK.
        ' Setting Name: "WebService.NCES.Protected@ServiceQName"
        ' Supported Values: "True", "False"
        ' Default Value: "False"
        Dim strNCES_Protected As String
        Dim blnNCES_Protected As Boolean
        strNCES_Protected = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("WebService.NCES.Protected@" + vstrServiceQName)
        If strNCES_Protected = "True" Then
            blnNCES_Protected = True
            blnNCES_Protected = False
        End If

        ' Determine if we are using Discovery to find this service.
        ' Setting Name: "WebService.NCES.UseDiscovery@ServiceQName"
        ' Supported Values: "True", "False"
        ' Default Value: "False"
        Dim strNCES_UseDiscovery As String
        Dim blnNCES_UseDiscovery As Boolean
        strNCES_UseDiscovery = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("WebService.NCES.UseDiscovery@" + vstrServiceQName)
        If strNCES_UseDiscovery = "True" Then
            blnNCES_UseDiscovery = True
            blnNCES_UseDiscovery = False
        End If

        ' Determine if we are using address caching for this service (only applicable
        '  if we are using the NCES SDK and Service Discovery).
        ' Setting Name: "WebService.NCES.AddressCaching@ServiceQName"
        ' Supported Values: "True", "False"
        ' Default Value: "False"
        Dim strNCES_AddressCaching As String
        Dim blnNCES_AddressCaching As Boolean
        strNCES_AddressCaching = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("WebService.NCES.AddressCaching@" + vstrServiceQName)
        If strNCES_AddressCaching = "True" Then
            blnNCES_AddressCaching = True
            blnNCES_AddressCaching = False
        End If
        ' We also can't do address caching if the Session object wasn't passed in.
        If robjSession Is Nothing Then
            blnNCES_AddressCaching = False
        End If


        ' Configure the application to use the specified security protocol.
        Select Case strSecurityProtocol
            Case "SSL3"
                Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = Net.SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3
            Case "TLS"
                Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls
            Case "None"
                ' Nothing extra to do.
            Case Else
                ' Nothing extra to do.
        End Select

        ' Configure security settings for the proxy so this service can be accessed.
        Select Case strAuthentication_Method

            Case "Windows"

                robjWebServiceProxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

            Case "ClientCertificate"

                ' NOTE: This option is not supported yet.
                'Dim objCertificate As System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate
                'objCertificate = System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.CreateFromCertFile("")

            Case "None"

                ' Nothing extra to do.

            Case Else

                ' Nothing extra to do.

        End Select

        ' Perform Trust Override for webservices invocation. (NOTE.
        ' this will ignore invalid server certificates when calling the
        ' webservices)
        System.Net.ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = New MyPolicy

        ' Perform processing necessary for the NCES SDK.

        ' Use Service Discovery to find the address of this service.

        ' The address to use for this service.
        Dim strServiceAddress As String
        strServiceAddress = ""

        ' The Session variable used to store the address for this
        '  service (if address caching is used).
        Dim strServiceURLSessionVar As String
        strServiceURLSessionVar = "WebService.CachedURL." + vstrServiceQName

        ' Find the cached location of the service.
        If blnNCES_AddressCaching Then
            If CStr(robjSession(strServiceURLSessionVar)) <> "" Then
                strServiceAddress = CStr(robjSession(strServiceURLSessionVar))
            End If
        End If

        ' Use Service Discovery to find the address of this service.
        ' This is done either if we are not using address caching, or if we are
        '  using address caching but we haven't obtained the address for this
        '  service yet.  However, it is only done if the setting in Web.Config
        '  said to use Discovery.
        'VS2008x If blnNCES_UseDiscovery And strServiceAddress = "" Then

        'VS2008x Dim objInquiryService As New InquiryService_Proxy
        'VS2008x Dim objRequest As New mil.disa.nces.toolkit.domain.discovery.request.GetServiceByQName
        'VS2008x Dim objResponse As mil.disa.nces.toolkit.domain.discovery.Service

            ' Specify the QName of this service for the Discovery request.
            ' The QName is "Namespace#ServiceName".
        'VS2008x objRequest.serviceQName = vstrServiceQName ' ex: "urn:nces:security:0.3:service:CertificateValidationService#CertificateValidationService"

            ' Get the address of this service.
        'VS2008x objResponse = objInquiryService.getServiceByQName(objRequest)

            ' If a valid response came back, extract the address for the first
            '  returned binding.
        'VS2008x If Not IsNothing(objResponse) Then

        'VS2008x strServiceAddress = objResponse.bindings(0).accessPoint

        ' If we are doing address caching, save the address for later use.
        'VS2008x If blnNCES_AddressCaching Then
        'VS2008x robjSession(strServiceURLSessionVar) = strServiceAddress
        'VS2008x End If

        'VS2008x     End If

        'VS2008x         End If

        ' Set the address for this service if found.  If not found, the service
        '  will retain its initially set address.
        If strServiceAddress <> "" Then
            robjWebServiceProxy.Url = strServiceAddress
        End If


        'VS2008x If blnNCES_Protected Then

        ' Set the security token for invocation (this is the end-user token to
        '  specify who is calling the service, not who digitally signs the
        '  request).
        ' This only needs to be done if we have an end-user certificate for
        '  which to create a token.
        'VS2008x If Not vobjClientCertificate Is Nothing Then

        'VS2008x If vobjClientCertificate.IsPresent Then

        'VS2008                    Dim samlToken As SecurityToken
        'VS2008x ToolkitSecurityContext.ResetCurrentSecurityContext()
        'VS2008                    samlToken = SAMLAssertionToken.CreateX509AuthenticationAssetion(vobjClientCertificate.Subject)
        'VS2008                    ToolkitSecurityContext.CurrentSecurityContext.SetSecurityTokenForInvocation(samlToken)

        'VS2008x End If

        'VS2008x End If

        'VS2008x Else

        ' TODO: If the NCES SDK is enabled for this project, but we need to call a
        '       service that is not protected by the NCES SDK, settings will have to
        '       be made to ToolkitSecurityContext to prevent digitally signing the
        '       SOAP message, etc.  To do this, we would need a setting saying whether
        '       the NCES SDK filters are in place (unless we can obtain that information
        '       from already existing sources).  I think following are the options that
        '       would need to be set:
        '    If <USING_NCES> Then
        '        ToolkitSecurityContext.CurrentSecurityContext.RequireSignatureForInvocation = False
        '        ToolkitSecurityContext.CurrentSecurityContext.CollectInputSecurityTokensDisabled = True
        '        ToolkitSecurityContext.CurrentSecurityContext.CallCertificateValidationServiceDisabled = True
        '    End If

        'VS2008x End If




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